Graphic design, Illustration & Prepress | UN Human Rights & FemPlatz
Report on women’s rights and gender equality in Serbia was especially fulfiling project. This year, chances for women to participate in political life are main topic. FemPlatz and UN Human Rights Team in Serbia had a responsible assignment. Our part was to bring the publication closer to each reader. And yes, the women in our team gave the final touch. Primary goal was to make hard facts easy to read, without disturbing
the purpose of a publication.
We were wondering what does it take to be a women these days… That’s why we illustrated daily activities in women's life using calm and gentle motives in attention to motivate women to be bold. After reading, anyone should keep this report on their shelves.
Perfect design plus strong messages should encourage people to start asking:
-Is it nice to be a women?
-Hell Yeah!
-And what is the hardest part of being a women?
-I thought you never ask…