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Video production | OSCE

Europe, Asia and North America are not united only by the oceans. There is a joint mission that includes these three continents - Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, also known as OSCE. 

It all started in 1975 when The Helsinki Final Act was signed by The United States, the Soviet Union, Canada and almost every European nation. Document forbids any use of force or intervention in internal affairs. This was the first step for OSCE becoming a world known consultative organization.

Today, OSCE is an intergovernmental organization that unites fifty seven countries in solving issues through political dialogues. Each year a different participating state chairs the Organization. Besides conflict prevention and arms control, the areas of interest are sustainable use of natural resources, economic development, human rights and fundamental freedoms. 

We had a great opportunity to contribute to OSCE visibility by creating a corporate video that tells the whole story about this very important organization and shows its main goals and missions.

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